The Private Copying Levy
All culture is protected by copyright. Despite that, we can freely store movies, music and TV on our smart devices for our own use. It is possible thanks to the rightholders receiving compensation for this exception in copyright.
Here you register for e-reporting and report sales of PCL-obligatory products.
Agreement compensates creators
Find out about the long-awaited agreement that compensates creators for private copying.
The Swedish Copyright Act gives music, film and TV authors the exclusive right to determine the reproduction, or copying, of their work, and to make it available to the public in various ways. It is therefore an infringement of the author’s exclusive rights for anyone to make one or more copies for their own private use without the author’s permission. Such copying also reduces the authors’ income, as their work is being reproduced without them receiving payment.
Every year, private individuals record extensive amounts of music, films and TV programmes and private copying is only permitted within the EU in cases where the author is reimbursed for copying that takes place.
To compensate authors, performers and producers to some extent for the copying of copyright material for private use allowed under the law, a system of compensation is provided for in Article 26, subsections k-m of the Swedish Copyright Act. Similar systems to the one introduced in Sweden on 1 January 1999 exist in most other European countries.
The private copying levy is a form of reimbursement for the general public’s statutory right to copy music, film and TV for their own private use from an original lawful version. By law, the levy must be paid by the sector that imports, manufactures and sells products that can be used for private copying.
Private copying has during the years moved away from copying to cassettes, CDs and DVDs to for example computers, tablets, hard disc drives, video players and set-topboxes with built-in storage capacity.
Which products are covered? How are the levy rates determined?
The products covered by the private copying levy in accordance with the Copyright Act are products which can record sound and moving images and which are considered as being particularly suitable for private copying, e.g. computers with internal hard disk, tablets with internal memory, CD/DVD disks, mp3-players, USB sticks, external hard disks, internal hard disks and digital boxes with a built-in hard disk.
The Act specifies the levy rates, but also gives manufacturers and importers the opportunity to request a reduction in the rates on the grounds of certain circumstances specified in the Act. Such circumstances may for example be that the product is also used for purposes other than private copying, or the levy amount relative to the product price for consumers.
Are there any exceptions?
Yes. Manufacturers, importers or registered retailers (who has taken over the responsibility to report and pay the levy from an importer) who sells storage media to professional or organisations for the disabled are not required to pay the levy in these cases. The same applies in cases where the products are exported. This is because the levy must only be paid for sales of products that are to be used for private copying in Sweden. Private copying levies are not intended as a charge on companies, schools, authorities who use storage media for professional purposes.
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Common questions and answers
Where can I find the manual for the e-reporting system?
When is the deadline for reporting?
Reporting must take place no later than on the 15th of the month following the sales month.
What do I do if I have submitted an incorrect report?
If you have already submitted your report, check the status list on the left of the Reports tab. In case the status of the report is ”Sent”, you can withdraw and adjust it. Select the report in question, click Review and then Undo. If the status is ”Invoiced”, you should instead contact Customer Service.
How can I ensure that the report has been submitted?
The system will confirm submission. You can also check the status of your report in the status list on the Reports tab.
Someone else is to replace me as user of the reporting system. How do we add a new user?
Add a new user via the User tab. It is possible to register several different users reporting for the same company.
How do we change our company information?
Company information is changed via the Company information tab.
We sell products covered by the professional user exemption. How are they to be reported?
In the case of a monthly report, all sales of products covered by the private copying levies system must be reported – both those liable for paying levies and those covered by the professional user exemption.
How are sales of products to be reported in case there has been no sales of products liable for paying private copying levies?
If the sale of such products is 0 for an individual month, you must state this by selecting the option ”No sales of products with remuneration have been made”. If your sale of products covered by levies ceases completely, you must deregister your company.
My company no longer needs to be registered with Copyswede. How do we deregister?
One reason for deregistering a company may be that import/sales of products covered by private copying levies has ceased completely. To conclude a deregistration, it is required that all invoices have been paid in full. Email a request for deregistration to [email protected], where you also state from which date the sale has ended, as well as confirm that you will inform your suppliers about your deregistration from Copyswede.